What today’s evangelicals are telling gay people

What today’s evangelicals are telling gay people:

Today the Christian argument against gay people goes something like this email I recently received:

Would you support a serial adulterer who leaves his wife, but is just attracted to other women, because that’s who he is and how he was born?  How about an alcoholic who just can’t help himself? Would you support him as he leaves his wife for alcohol? Would support a glutton? A man of extreme pride? Why does homosexuality get a pass, and not any other sin?

A person with homosexual desires who resists temptation is exactly the same as a married man who resists temptation to carry on affairs with other women — which is to say, a human being battling the temptation to sin. The most compassionate thing that we could tell someone struggling with homosexuality (or any other sin for that matter) is to keep resisting temptation. Keep battling. Don’t give in. This is your badge as a Christian, that you fight temptation.

The argument is that a gay person struggling against the temptation to be who they really are is no different from anyone else struggling to resist a sinful temptation. In other words, the present refrain isn’t that gay people should stop being gay. Now it’s that they should stop, acting, gay.

Virtually all sins share a crucial, defining, common quality. That quality is present in every other imaginable sin. That quality is utterly absent from being or acting gay. Insisting upon putting homosexuality into the same category as every other sin — or in the category of sin at all — is like gluing wings on a pig and insisting that the result belongs in the category of bird. It doesn’t. It can’t. It won’t. Ever.

Here is that Big Difference between homosexuality and all those other activities generally understood to be sinful: , There is no sin I can commit that, by virtue of my having committed it, renders me incapable of loving or being loved. I can commit murder. I can steal. I can rob. I can rape. I can drink myself to death. I can do any terrible thing at all, and no one would ever claim that intrinsic to the condition that gave rise to my doing that terrible thing is that I am, by, nature, unqualified for giving or receiving love.

I’ve been noticing this trend for a while now, too (in print or on the radio: , nobody is ever brave enough to say shit like this to my face). This is the first time I’ve seen it described and categorized in any way.

Despite the run-on sentences, this is an excellent article.